
Wednesday, January 22, 2014


“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness.  For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words” Romans 8:26

The word “weakness” is a particularly difficult word in the American culture.  We have been trained for so long that we can do anything and “weakness” is a sign of failure.  We certainly do not need help or assistance.  Yet, this passage says the “Spirit helps us in our weakness…the Spirit himself intercedes for us…”  We have the Spirit willing to help and guide us; however, we don’t “need” that because we’ve got it under control.  But if we take a moment to truly look at our life it is obvious we really do need the help that the Spirit provides. 

So the question is do we hear and listen to the Spirit?  I think this whole concept has gotten a bad rap because it is just “crazy” to hear the Spirit say something to you.  Only the weird experience such things.  Yet, if we take a moment to listen the Spirit does speak to us.  It took me awhile in my faith to hear the Spirit telling me things but as I took time to listen there was no doubt.  The best way to describe this is to share a couple of examples. 

When I was 33 weeks pregnant with our youngest, things took a turn for the worse.  I ended up in emergency surgery to save my life as well as our daughter’s life.  It was a rather crazy time and my husband received a call from some dear friends that had no idea anything was wrong.  The comment made from our friends was “Something told me I needed to contact you and see how things were going”.  That “something” was the Spirit interceding Himself and saying prayers were needed.  I remember little during the first few days in the hospital but that stuck with me.  I knew the Spirit was interceding on my behalf and people were willing to hear the groaning the Spirit was planting.  The much needed prayers were being offered.   

I have also had those same groanings in regards to people.  The “person” in need of prayers suddenly pops into my head and the thoughts are constant.  I have learned this is the Spirit saying that person needs prayers.  Sometimes I find out why they need prayers and other times I have no idea; despite knowing or not knowing the “why” the Lord knows why I am praying.

There is great comfort knowing the Spirit is interceding for us when we need it.  There is also great comfort in knowing the Spirit shares with us the prayers we do not even know we should be praying.  Don’t ignore those inner groanings you receive.  You may not know why you should be praying for someone but the Spirit has shared with you prayers are needed.  Take the time to pray on behalf of whomever the Spirit has shared with you. 


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