
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Where Do You Fit?

I am currently working on my PhD in General Psychology and am in the class Social Psychology.  In this class, we are tasked with looking at social media within our society.  Personally, I am going to look at social media and devices and observe what kind of impact it has on families and communication.  There are positive attributes to social media and communicating as well as negative attributes to social media and communicating within a family. 

My question to you is where do you and your family stand?  How much time do you spend on social media and on the latest and greatest devices?  Does social media hinder your ability to communicate with your family? 

Social media and devices are not "bad" things!  In fact, I am using social media to communicate with you.  It is a great tool that has been given to us at this time in our lives.  The key to that statement is "tool".  Social media and devices are simply a "tool" and if one were to take a look in a toolbox there are multiple tools to use.  Communication needs to occur through multiple formats! 

Reflect on how much social media and devices are a part of your life.  Do you need to work on communicating with your family using other methods?  Can you set aside your smartphone and converse with those around you?  Families are important!  Strengthen your family by communicating the "old-fashioned" way - face-to-face! 



  1. Social media in its various forms and multiple devices has become critical to how my large and wide-spread family communicates. Cousins across the country instant message health updates when their children are in the hospital, mass CMS text messages go to all the brothers and sisters with the results of Dad’s doctor appointment, early morning Facebook chat messages are free with your daughter studying abroad and Face Time is way to ‘talk’ when one or more of the phone callers is a lip reader.
    But social media tools are ‘used’, not abused. We still get-together as a group for holidays, weekends and many other events. Anyone available is roller skating this Saturday night! Social media just like other innovations throughout history, will go through its ups and downs, will change. Change is good, change is bad. The only constant is change. You just need to learn how to ‘use’ the best changes as best you can.

    1. Karen,

      Well said! Using social media as a tool is great and has great benefits! The problem ensues when we let it be more than a tool and interfere with our family. Sadly, many families have lost the "art" of communicating without a device and social media.
