
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Exalting Your Spouse

Exalting Your Spouse

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Have you heard the phrase it takes 10 positive comments to counteract one negative comment?  It is a statement that many times is told to kids as they are being taught how to positively treat others.  It is also a statement that applies to marriage.  To build each other up is by using words that are exalting of one another. 

Exalting, according to, means; “to raise in rank, honor, power, character, quality, to elevate, to praise”.  As you think about conversations you have about your spouse with other people, do you exalt them?  Do you speak in such a manner that the other person knows exactly how amazing your spouse is? 

Our spouse is the person that is the closest one to us and therefore is the easiest person to hurt.  When we choose to speak poorly, or not exalt our spouse, a couple of things happen.  First it hurts our spouse.  It leaves a “wound” that is going to require attention.  It is going to take 10 plus positive comments to undo the one statement.  The second thing it does is it leaves a bad impression of our spouse to whomever we are talking with.  It brings a “third party” in on the issues that are occurring between each other.  The problem in bringing in the “third party” is two-fold.  First, only one side of the story is being presented.  Second, when you and your spouse make-up the “third party” is not present.  Therefore, they are still left with the negative impression given in the previous conversation.  They have not moved on from the issue as the two of you have.  They are still holding the hurt that you shared with them. 

1 Thessalonians 5:11 states we are to encourage one another and build one another up.  There is no better place to apply this message than our marriages.  As previously noted, our spouse is the easiest person to hurt.  Because of that, if we do not consciously exalt our spouse we run the risk of tearing each other down instead of building each other up.  Marriage is not an easy road!  It requires work and the ability to find the good in one another constantly.  The more you speak of your spouse in an exalting manner the more you will see them as an amazing person.

Marriage may be a tough road to walk down; however, it is a road that is filled with so many blessings.  Exalt your spouse to others as well as to each other.  Remember you married an amazing person!  Find the good in each other and share that with your spouse and the world!



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