
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

God's Magnificient Creation

Take a moment to think about God’s creation…Now that a moment has passed, have you ever really thought about the magnificent detail in God’s creation?  Have you thought about how this big piece of mass floats around in space in perfect unison with all the other planets?  Have you thought about how this big piece of mass is perfectly formed so it can support human life?  Have you thought about how many people are actually on earth?  Have you thought about how animals, people, plants, and insects can all co-exist on one earth?  Have you thought about how our body functions with fine detail so we can live?  Have you thought about the littlest of details such as the bee that comes around to pollinate blossoms so we have apples?  Have you thought about the ant that can carry an immense amount of weight despite the little body it has?

I could ask tons of “Have you thought about” questions.  The last one I want to ask is, have you thought about this magnificent world and all its intricate details being created in 6 days?  Our God is awe-inspiring!  There is not one detail left unturned in His creation.  Genesis 1:31 says, “An God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good.  And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.”

What God has made is good!  Yet, we live in a world that doesn’t see the good.  We lose sight of His magnificent beauty as our sinful nature gets in the way.  Our eyes are not on Him; we lose focus.  Keep your eyes on Jesus.  One way to do that is by taking a close look at His beautiful world.   

I have a “photo-a-day” album that sits next to my printer.  I love to take pictures of nature and my kids.  As I fill my “photo-a-day” album I am amazed at how beautiful God’s creation is.  I am amazed at how intricate all the details are in all the things that I take pictures of.  Taking photos has really opened my eyes to His beauty and His presence around me.

Take time this fall with your family, friends, or by yourself to really take a look at His beauty.  If you have children, give them an opportunity to take photos of what they see in God’s creation.  Have a family photo day where you all go out and take photos of God’s beautiful creation.  It will lead to great family discussion as well as an opportunity to see what your kids think is beautiful or unique.  Most of all enjoy the day and relish in God’s beauty and presence that surrounds us!    



  1. Of course, Cheryl, for all of the beauty and awe-inspiring intricacy, we only see the remnants of the perfect creation. Only Adam and Eve perceived it in all of its Glory. Thanks be to God that we will see it when we return Home!

  2. Therefore, if it is as amazing and awe-inspiring as it is as a remnant of the perfect creation Heaven is going to be AMAZING! Yes, Thanks be to God that we will see it when we return Home!
