
Friday, March 20, 2015

Practice...Lent Photo-a-Day

Practice…Practicing something typically makes one better.  If you put the time and effort in results will be noticed.  I would guess that most people have stories about how the practice put in paid off in the end.  There are those stories shared about people making it “big” because of all the practice despite the lack of resources.  Practice is a great way to improve. 

What if practice wasn’t such a great thing?  What if one practices certain things and the practice makes them become better but the attribute they are becoming better at isn’t good?  Take for instance lying.  To become a good liar one needs to practice, which means the person is being untruthful with others as well as themselves.  The attribute being practiced doesn’t lend itself to a good outcome.  The practice of lying is not a great way to improve; it actually destroys. 

When looking through scripture to see what was said about “practice” there were some fairly tough words given.  1 John 3:7-8 states, “Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous.  Whoever makes practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning.  The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.  Those words put a whole need meaning to the word practice!

If we practice the ways of the world we become pretty good at being “ok” with whatever the world says is ok.  It is easier to set aside what scripture says and do what we want.  If we practice the ways of God we become closer to our Savior.  We learn to lean on Him, trust Him, and believe that His word is Truth.  We have a God that gave us His Son to destroy the works of the devil and because Christ was victorious our eternity is secure! 


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